Call to Action: Public Consultation by the Select Committee on the Evolution of the Act respecting end-of-life care

Dear friends,

The Quebec Select Committee on the Evolution of the Act respecting end-of-life care issued a news release (only available in French) on June 28th, 2021, announcing that it is entering the next phase of its tenure, which includes a public consultation.

The Committee has invited the public to express their views on the expansion of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) for people who are incapable of decision-making and for those whose only medical problem is a mental illness.

This is an incredibly important ...

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Physicians’ Alliance Newsletter, June 2021


World Medical Association (WMA) International Code of Medical Ethics (ICoME) Draft revision

The World Medical Association (WMA) recently held a public consultation on the draft revised version of the International Code of Medical Ethics (ICoME). All experts and stakeholders were invited to submit comments on this draft version until 28 May 2021.

Click below to download:

  1. The Joint Submission of Living With Dignity and the Physicians’ Alliance to the WMA ICoME public consultation
  2. The Protection of Conscience Project submission: Click here to ...
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Physicians’ Alliance Newsletter, May 2021

Dear friends,

As you know, we reach out to you from time to time to carry out our mission. I invite you to pay attention to our email next week for all the details. Our team is mostly volunteer, but some tasks and actions require your financial support. We thank you in advance for your support.

I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that we have just learned the detailed schedule of the hearings of the Quebec Select ...

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Hot off the press! World Medical Journal article : The Declaration of Geneva: Conscience, Dignity and Good Medical Practice

Dear Friends,

We would like to share an article that was published in the World Medical Journal last week, on the importance of conscience to practise medicine with integrity. Part 1 of the article was published a few months ago.

As you know, a third extension was granted to address the changes in Bill C-7, with the new deadline set for Feb. 26, 2021. The proposed changes will facilitate access to medical assistance in dying (MAiD) for those whose ...

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Joint Press release of Living with Dignity and the Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia

For immediate release:

Medical Assistance in Dying:  MPs Vote in Favour of Bill C-7

Where do we draw the line now?

Montreal, Friday, December 4, 2020 – Like all the groups and individuals who spoke out in the hope that Bill C-7 will be amended to better protect the most vulnerable people from “medical assistance in dying” (MAID), Living with Dignity and the Physicians’ Alliance Against Euthanasia are deeply concerned about the outcome of yesterday’s preliminary vote (at report stage) by Members of ...

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Brief submitted by the Physicians’ Alliance to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights

18th November 2020

To the Committee,

The danger of universal euthanasia access is similar to the passive, ever-present danger of drowning. A few people will die voluntarily by jumping in the water. But others will simply stumble. And yet others may be pushed.
Similarly, while some people will truly die by choice, others may “choose” euthanasia on a whim born of passing despair. But worse still: all people eligible for euthanasia become automatically vulnerable to pressure from others who cannot ...

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Bill C-7, From MAiD to MAD: Medical Assistance in Dying becomes Medically Administered Death

You no longer need to be dying for your physician to end your life

As Canada and the world live in fear of death from the COVID-19 pandemic, we are reminded of the lengths to which public authorities can and should go to prevent death and to protect the common good. We consider as normal and necessary the curtailment of certain individual liberties in the interest of protecting citizens from the spread of disease. We are thus reminded that the ...

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We Can and Must do Much Better – Religious Leaders in Canada denounce Bill C-7, “An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)”

Wednesday, October 14 2020

Ottawa – Today, more than 50 religious leaders from across Canada released an open letter to all Canadians in opposition to Bill C-7 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying). This ecumenical and interfaith message is a response by religious leaders to the legislation introduced by the federal government on 5 October 2020 which seeks to expand the eligibility criteria for euthanasia and assisted suicide (euphemistically called “medical ...

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Media Release of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities


ONTARIO – October, 2020 – The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), a national disability rights organization, is vehemently denouncing the Trudeau government’s re-introduction of  Bill C-7, a bill which extends access to Medical Aid in Dying ...

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