Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia

For true solidarity.
For the protection of vulnerable persons.
For quality end of life care for all.

Latest additions

The Alliance Collectif’s first press conference in 2013

About the alliance

The Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia was founded in 2012 by 24 Quebec doctors, in response to the report of the Quebec government’s Select Committee on Dying with Dignity, which recommended legalization of euthanasia in Quebec, redefining it as health care to escape the Canadian Criminal code prohibition of causing the death of any person, even with his or her consent.


We affirm that :

  1. Patients at the end of life should receive diligent and competent care to relieve their pain and suffering. The physician has the obligation to use all the means available to achieve this end.
  2. If a patient refuses treatment or requests its withdrawal, his or her wishes must be respected.
  3. Modern palliative care skills, drugs and technology permit adequate symptom control for all terminally ill patients. These methods should be universally accessible.
