IMPROVING CARE CONFERENCE 2019 – Conference materials and videos

Dear friends,

On Saturday, April 6, in Montreal, the Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia hosted the second of what we hope will become a regular series of accredited conferences devoted to the theme of “Improving Care”. Presentations were delivered in both French and English.

Photos courtesy of:

Dr Patrick Vinay, approaching the challenge of maximizing consciousness while minimizing discomfort (“Advanced pain management”), reminded us that “unbearable suffering”, in the context of end-of-life care, is extremely rare when doctors are properly trained in the use of the different pharmacological agents available. In particular, he gave detailed physiological explanations, supported by numerous case histories, of the ways in which very small doses of Methadone may be used to achieve satisfactory patient comfort in conjunction with opioid protocols which were otherwise only partially effective. Continue reading…

We sincerely thank all participants, and look forward to seeing you again next time.

Catherine Ferrier


We are pleased to announce that videos of the talks given at the Improving Care conference, held on April 6, 2019, are now available free of charge on our website.

The Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia hosted their 2nd bilingual medical conference, which took place in Montreal on April 6th, 2019.

To access the conference materials, please click here.

Videos of the conference presentations may be viewed below:


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