From time to time, among the many conflicting developments affecting the
worldwide euthanasia debate, we have the pleasure of underlining something
On June 10th, the American Medical Association (one of the world’s largest and most influential National Medical Associations), voted to retain its opposition to euthanasia and assisted suicide. Continue reading editorial…
Make euthanasia unimaginable.
Catherine Ferrier
Alliance news
As intervenors in the Gladu-Truchon case, we anxiously await the Quebec Superior Court’s decision that is expected to be rendered in the following weeks.
In the news
Frenchman Vincent Lambert died dehydrated on July 11th after a long court battle.
- Netflix deletes graphic scene from “13 Reasons Why”: 13 Reasons Why drew criticism in its first season for its graphic depiction of a teenager’s suicide. “After the premiere of “13 Reasons Why,” the search phrase “how to commit suicide” rose 26% above what would normally have been expected for that time; “suicide prevention” went up 23%; and “suicide hotline number” climbed 21%,” as per data from a published article in JAMA Internal Medicine.
- Justice Minister David Gauke gives the green light for controversial move to make assisted dying legal – just days before he is expected to leave office.
Doctor’s voices
- Dementia, Dualism, and What Makes Us Human, by Aaron Rothstein
- ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself’ by Margaret Somerville
- Abandon all hope: Euthanasia for mental disorders
“Guidelines issued for assessing and executing requests for euthanasia and assisted suicide from people with mental disorders, including addictions such as alcoholism, by the Netherlands Federation of Medical Specialists and the National Council of the Order of Physicians of Belgium essentially authorize doctors to agree with a patient that abandoning all hope – as if they were at the gates of hell in Dante’s Divine Comedy – is the only proper response to their mental illness or addiction.”
- The IMAGINE week: Montreal, October 14-20, 2019
New conversations about end-of-life questions
- Canadian Physicians for Life Annual Conference. Ottawa, October 25 to 27, 2019.
- Professional Development Day for Physicians: Montreal, October 4, 2019. Presented by the Montreal Institute for Palliative Care, a branch of the West Island Palliative Care Residence
- Euthanasia, behind the scenes: Reflections and caregiver experiences
(Available in French only: Euthanasie, l’envers du décor : Réflexions et expériences de soignants)
- Online education for dementia caregivers from McMaster University: Helping you provide patient- and family-centred care in your practice with a prescription for dementia education.
In the literature
- Journal of pain and symptom management. March 2019 Volume 57, Issue 3, Pages 635–645.e4. Safe and Appropriate Use of Methadone in Hospice and Palliative Care: Expert Consensus White Paper. McPherson, ML, Walker, KA, Davis, MP, et al.
- Journal of Medical Ethics Published Online First: 15 May 2019. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2018-105120 Pressure in dealing with requests for euthanasia or assisted suicide. Experiences of general practitioners.
de Boer ME, Depla MFIA, den Breejen M, et al
- JAMA. Published online June 26, 2019 New Guidelines Aim to Expand Palliative Care Beyond Specialists. Abbasi J.
- Palliative Medicine. July 2019. A qualitative study of physicians’ conscientious objections to medical aid in dying. Bouthillier, M.-E., & Opatrny, L.
If you come across articles that could be of interest to colleagues in the Alliance please send the reference to info@collectifmedecins.org.
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