List of signatory doctors

A total of 1162 physicians have signed the declaration of the Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia (including 79 physicians who asked us not to publish their names).

Founding physicians and first signatories of the Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia’s declaration.

  1. Balfour Mount MD, OC, OQ, FRCSC Emeritus Eric M. Flanders Professor of Medicine, McGill University.
  2. Patrick Vinay MD Nephrologist and palliative care physician, CHUM;Emeritus U of Montreal.
  3. Bernard J. Lapointe MD Eric M. Flanders Chair in Palliative Care, McGill University; Chief, Palliative Care Division, Jewish General Hospital.
  4. Serge Daneault MD, M.Sc., Ph.D., C.S.P.Q. Palliative care physician, CHUM (Notre-Dame Hospital); Consultant physician, Regional Public Health Department Montreal-Centre IRSPUM; Clinical assistant professor, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
  5. Geneviève Dechêne MD Family physician and in home palliative care services, CSSS Verdun; Clinical lecturer, Department of Family Medicine, University of Montreal; Scientific Director of the Palli-Science website.
  6. Pierre Jacob Durand MD, MSc, FRCPC, CSPQ, FCMFC Professor, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine,Laval University; Scientific Director of the Centre d’excellence sur le vieillissement de Québec, Saint Sacrement Hospital, Quebec CHU.
  7. Sherif Emil MD, CM, FRCSC, FACS, FAAP Associate Professor of Paediatric Surgery, Surgery, and Paediatrics; Director, Division of Paediatric General Surgery; Associate Chair for Education & Departmental Citizenship, Department of Paediatric Surgery, McGill University Faculty of Medicine, Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University Health Centre.
  8. J. Donald Boudreau MD Associate Professor, Department of Medicine; Core Member, Centro for Medical Education; Director,Office of Physicianship Curriculum Development; former Associate Dean, Medical Education & Student Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Associate Professor, Arnold P. Gold Foundation.
  9. Robert Marchand MD Family physician, director of palliative care services, Verdun Hospital.
  10. Paola Diadori MD, FRCPC, MSc. Pediatric neurologist, CHU Ste-Justine.
  11. Gerald Batist MD Professor, Departments of Medicine and Oncology,McGill University; Director, Department of Oncology, McGill University; Director, McGill Centre for Translational Research in Cancer.
  12. André Bourque MD Associate professor,Department of Family and Emergency Medicine, University of Montreal; Chief, Department of General Medicine, CHUM. Note Dr. Bourque passed away on 29 December 2012.
  13. José A. Morais MD, FRCPC Associate Professor and Director, Division of Geriatric Medicine, MUHC and McGill University.
  14. Anna Towers MDCM, FCFP Physician, Palliative Care Services, McGill University Health Centre.
  15. Abraham Fuks MD, CM Professor of Medicine, McGill University.
  16. Paul Saba MD Family physician, Lachine Hospital (MUHC).
  17. Catherine Ferrier MD, FCFP Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University; Director of Competency Assessment Clinic, Division of Geriatric Medicine, McGill University Health Centre.
  18. Ewa Sidorowicz MDCM, FRCP(C), MSc Director of Professional Services, McGill University Health Centre.
  19. Marc Beauchamp MD, FRCSC Orthopedic surgeon.
  20. Michelle Dallaire MD Palliative care physician, diploma in bioethics, Assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine since 2000 (University of Montreal).
  21. Mark Basik MD, FRCSC Surgical Oncologist, Sir Mortimer B. Davis-Jewish General Hospital; Assistant Professor, Department of Oncology, McGill University.
  22. Caroline Girouard MD, SRCP Hematologist, oncologist, Sacré-Coeur Hospital in Montreal.
  23. Douglass Dalton MD, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP Assistant Professor and Postgraduate Program Director, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University.

List of all signatories who agreed to have their name published