Dear friends,
On December 8, 2021, the Select Committee on the Evolution of the Act respecting end-of-life care tabled their report (please see attached document).
You will recall that we submitted a brief and a follow-up letter to the committee, and Drs. Ferrier and Cattan testified on August 12, 2021.
The good news is that the committee did not recommend extending “medical aid in dying” to people whose sole reason to request it is a mental illness. This is a major victory, and a sign that the committee heard and understood the testimony of many mental health advocates. It remains to be seen how the situation will evolve, given that MAiD for this indication will be permitted by Canadian law as of March 2023.
Unfortunately, however, the committee recommended allowing MAiD by advance request for capable adults diagnosed with neurodegenerative conditions who expect to lose decision-making capacity in the future.
Click below to read the Joint Press Release of Living with Dignity and the Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia to the report of the Select Committee on the Evolution of the Act respecting end-of-life care: Gratitude and concern
Other related links:
Interview with Jasmin Lemieux-Lefebvre, coordinator of Living with Dignity:
Aide médicale à mourir: l’enjeu de la demande anticipée fait réagir – entrevue(Interview available in French only: Medical Aid in Dying- the issue of advance directives causes a reaction)

On December 10, 2021, the Collège des médecins du Québec, CMQ (Quebec College of Physicians) published the position statement of their reflection group on Medical Aid in Dying and End-of-Life care (available in French only).

In contrast with the Select Committee, the College supports the expansion of MAiD for mental illness, despite only 42% of its members being in favour of it (according to their internal survey).
Unsurprisingly, the College also supports MAiD by advance request. This notion has become very popular in Quebec through the success of a few vocal advocates, despite the grave risk it would bring to vulnerable elders.
The College then goes beyond anything yet under discussion and proposes an extension to babies and adolescents, as well as opening the debate on MAiD for people who are ‘tired/weary of life’ without having any specific illness.
We would like to reiterate our recent request (to physician members in Quebec), strongly encouraging you to write to the CMQ and to the media, to make it clear that the College does not represent you in this matter. Please support your stance with examples from your clinical experience.
All physicians and supporters are invited to make your opinion on these issues known to the media and other stakeholders. We all know people who will be at risk of premature death if these measures become law.
We take this opportunity to wish all our members and supporters joy in all your celebrations this holiday season. We thank you for all your support throughout the year and we wish you all the best for the New Year 2022!
Catherine Ferrier