by K. S. Gaind

Oh Canada,
My Brave New World,
Glorious and gore-free.
We’ll soon become the land
Of death on demand,
Full autonomy,
(at least for me).

I’ve been granted good life, good
friends, good wealth,

Thank you C7 for dealing me good easy death.

My last rites, my last right,
Easing suffering at my choosing.
Sanitized, beautified, the choice will be mine,
My death so peaceful, ready for prime time. 

I hear whispers in the background,
To not short the price of tomorrow’s mournings.
That the cost of my saving grief
Will be those seeking relief
From a life lived without my privilege.
Not dying, but only trying
To get by in life.
Those we won’t help live,
But will now give
Enticed escape from strife. 

But whispers I can ignore
If they fall on the shores
Of those who whisper louder,
Experts reassuring me prouder.
It’s their task
To know full well,
But I don’t ask, and they don’t tell. 

And besides, it’s not entitlement;
Consider the enlightenment
Of those non-white,
Non-wealthy and wise,
Of those marginalized,
To finally have a choice
To die well,
When in life they had no voice,
Their only choice was living Hell.

So thank you Canada, powers that be,
For ensuring that our smooth passings
Will reflect the privilege of our life trappings. 

I will soon be free, without anxiety, knowing
That with ease I can choose the time of my going.
And any poor souls sacrificed on this altar
Of my choice, my voice,
There will be no way of knowing. 

Karandeep Sonu Gaind is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto, a former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association and an Honorary Member of the World Psychiatric Association.  Dr. Gaind sat on the Council of Canadian Academies Expert Panel on Assisted Dying and Mental Illness and leads his hospital MAiD team, he is *not* a conscientious objector to MAiD in general but is concerned about dangerous implementation to vulnerable and marginalized people..…& is so sad to be a Canadian today [March 11, 2021]

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