Debate on Bill 52 at the CHUM

Dr. Patrick Vinay, from the Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia, and Dr. Yvette Lajeunesse, responsible for teaching ethics to pre- graduates students at the University of Montreal will hold a debate (in French) on Bill 52 Wednesday, April 9.

We encourage you to attend this debate and share your point of view, especially since the event will be held two days after the provincial election. Your involvement can make a difference. On the program for the debate between the two speakers :

  • Specify the language used in the debate on Bill 52
  • Comment various arguments in favor of the project
  • Explain the issues of liability
  • Understanding the impacts of the project on medical practice

Dr. Lajeunesse is a family physician at the University Institute of Geriatrics of Montreal . Dr Vinay is a nephrologist and head of palliative care at Notre -Dame Hospital.

The event will take place from 12 am to 13 pm
Auditorium Mailloux, Hôpital Notre- Dame
Auditorium Jeanne -Mance , Hôtel-Dieu (satellite room )
Room 2229 , Hôpital Saint -Luc ( satellite room )


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